
No amount of money could buy that smile...

Monday, 17 January 2011

I told you dreams came true...

Muraho Everyone
Sorry for the lack of blogging, it's been a busy couple of weeks.

For so long I have talked about Rwanda...
After months of fundraising
Dozens of Vaccinations
Two very packed suitcases
And a lot of dreaming
- I'm here!

After three weeks of being here I feel like I've lived here my whole life,
I feel so at home and I am loving experiencing the different culture.
On the third day I was here someone said to me 'how long have you been here?'
They were shocked when I said only three days because I looked so at home.

Life is even better than I thought it would be:
Getting up at 7 to hear the birds and feel the sun shining through my window
Meeting everyone for breakfast and starting of the day with a hot cup of African tea
Starting work after a morning of singing and dancing - can't think of anything better..
Finishing work duties and spending the evening with friends, or should I say family.
Ending the day with a chapter of my book and beautiful sunset... sound perfect?
It is. 

Scotland : Africa
       A hot running shower : A bucket of cold water 
A variety of foods: Beans and rice
         Midges : Mosquitos
   A toilet : A hole

I have definitely learnt to appreciate the little things, 
But I wouldn't change a thing, otherwise it wouldn't be Africa
...It would be Scotland? 

I am still Me..
 Just in a different location,
With a new name and 
A much better outlook on life.

Keep in touch!

Lx (Nyiramwiza)


  1. hey chicken - lovin your blog, its sooo you!!!1
    glad your having an awesome time - fair awfy missing u in theshow tho :o( !!!
    keep us all posted on you goings on
    lots of love
    shelley xxxx

  2. Hey Shell, I just got this comment - was lovely, thank you. I really love writing these blogs, hope your enjoying them :)
    I really really missed the opera this year, was very jealous of it all. It looked like an amazing show, so well done to everyone :)
    Can't wait for a catch up and a coffee soon :)
    Love Lauren xxxxx
